Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Past & Preasent World

The past and present world .
 It  strongly fells deep inside that we are just passenger here. should Live here with an aim, live it with for positive cause, go ,  do things from your heart. have you ever felt why are you here? What is the purpose of living here? life a kind of bubble you just play with it and suddenly its gone , finished !!!!

Just do what you really want to do in life make the life worth of it. Yes there is good times bad times , How many troubles you face doesn’t matter what kind of hurdles you face what people think about you doesn’t matter the main thing that really really matters is what you think , how do you think? This doesn’t mean that you don’t care at all people around you. Simultaneously & parallelly  we should do it by taking care of everything ..  

Now a days It is being observed  mostly, people come closer when they want something from you, otherwise they don’t even count of you. If you are in trouble they don’t even care. They do their work n forget you. love is not there, it easily comes to know.. Don’t you think so , we should just help people just pay some homage to people who are in trouble , don’t make fun of them. Don’t forget they are the part of this world as you are. Have compation with them. What really make them feel bad, what really make people turn into dig is nothing but we people ‘s remark and behaviour towards them. Just help them to get out of it.  But thanks to god who made some wonderfull people who unconditionally do help, love , take the pain.  when they do this they themselves become god , they becomes God for some people.  I have seen and meeting them.

Before some day few of them sharing with me that Some times what happens they take help from us  and forget us , don’t care at all  as  they are ok , forget their times. He said Its okey. That is what we are trying for, that they should be ok..
 But at last they know in their heart who took pain and cared a lot and see with gratitude. that’s the success is  all about.  Always be with Broad minded and a good great Vision.

When you  are something  people care and when you nothing  people don’t even just count you , and again when you become some thing they start liking you. How strange !!!!!!! 

With lots of love & care
!! JaiShreeKrishna !!

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