Monday, May 6, 2013

The Immortal Truth "THE LOVE" !!


25 april 13

 doston:)  Here's something is there that is really the core one  ... the reason of very existence ,    

Its really special and glorious thing ! amazing in terms of imagination , unreachable for  entangled people , historic for young !!    , appreciable by  friends!! ,  a smile for loved  one !! and a care for god  !! 
You offer every thing in it . all the prosperity and the life live in it , the sense of belongingness reside in this. When you are in the essence of this you can feel everything is within you , then  you are blessed by the undoubtable , immortal peace of heart and faith ..that faith becomes your base your every thing , and just because of  that one,  makes you  , feel you , the completeness . It is The Love !

You want nothing , you have no fear , no hesitation , no comparison , no  expectation ....  its no end . EYE lid wets ,  Then  the total energy n joy , CHARM  resides in just  single word “THE LIFE “ . If you can name a person Life once  , YOU ARE BLESSED .  

" LIFE "

This word is complete in itself . Nothing can replace it . Nothing can touch it . all happiness , joy , charm , smile and power just comes because of the "LIFE". 

LIFE is what ....when there is charm that is life , when there is smile that is life , when you get ever thing that is LIFE , when your existence is there because of,  that is LIFE. When you ARE not waiting for but that is always there !! thatone  is LIFE.  

People  just talk about this , just try about it .. there are very very   few people in this world who can feel it and Name it. 
True love blossoms only in such freedom.

The ability  to receive genuine love comes with the ability to give love. 
When love glows , it is bliss , when it flows , it is compassion , when it blows , it is anger , when it ferments  it is jealousy  , when it all no's its hatred ,when it acts it is perfection when love knows,  it is  ME .

This is very abstract thing !!

The lovable is always taken as it is . when true ness is there then doubt comes in mind for it ,    .    
Love is always pure ,,, it has no time & time limits . LOVE IS JUST LOVE . !!!!! 
it is just infinite consciousness.... cant be proved , it is eternal.

But its true   At the end what remains is just love.  If you want to escape from it you can't    …..... IF THERE IS Love IT ALWAYS RAISES , , JUST RAISES … AND RAISES THIS IS THE NATURE OF LOVE. This cant be described verbally.
It is Unconditional.

And when there is genuine love, love simply follows you. pain is accepted without question :)   Isn't it ?  

its true  person can be uplifted by just words . :) those must be by true deep heart , and even the thought of said one works.

now close your Eyes and See   . :):)

love is joy love is enthusiasm love is life.


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