Thursday, September 1, 2011

Most Glorious Flower THE LOVE !

DOSTON :) How r you . here's some beautiful truth about most glorious flower THE LOVE !

some people r blessed with its fragrance :)

Love is an expression that is the essence of every beautiful relation that may be yor friend , yor pet , even a stranger with whom u have never met yet AND also
whom u have met before but u never observe .
it is a sense of delight , not in a person but in everyone, with in our self, with in life. you know when love is felt- beauty , excitement and passion
surround the world naturally.

Love gives Courage , makes One Confident , Motivates , and brings out our inner selves and most important
gives it a vision for what we have always been searching for !

Love gives Expression to what the heart feels . it gives the power to say something in front of the world , makes stronger to fight.
It is glorious melody and its beauty grows with the passage of time . It is deep rooted feeling that spreads through the branches of Affection and Concern.

and the most IDIOTIC- The great comfort is when without explaining , the UNDERSTANDING SAYS ALL.

Love exist everywhere, and in every heart . It gives mannnnnnny beautiful reasons to feel good and through this emotion , many other emotion develop.
It takes any form and keeps every heart young , the charming forever.

Its true true true that if a tinge of love is added to life then every incident thet life has for us takes a beautiful shape. isn't it?

I bet the one who is fighting with self , unable to say , to express the all that deeply punched his heart . person ll get rid of all misery by just few love
words.just let them take bath under shower of love

love is joy love is enthusiasm love is life . HENCE PROVED :))